Monday 30 April 2012

365/121 Dessert.

The other day we went to Seafood Cafe in St Ives and JB loved their lemon possett. She made it the next week and again last night.. Zac loves lemon too, he made some epic cheesecakes when he was at school.. I like them too but when you have to buy the cream and ingredients it's hard to enjoy it so much with the calories and all in mind!

The original had raspberry coulis in the bottom but I had this one for me.. with a lovely dollop of passion fruit on top... they smell exquisite and I always eat them on holiday, much the kid's disgust as they never get past the 'frog's spawn' image ..!

(it was made yesterday, hence the slightly sunken fruit element!)


  1. I remember a fantastic pub with great cakes in St Yves.

  2. lemon posset always sounds like something you would eat in 1535!! A traditional pud, methinks. It looks divine. Gadzooks.

  3. ... Janice.. it is (lots of) double cream, sugar (heated up) and then add lemon and leave to set... and doesn't posset aso mean when a child sicks up something!.. who got them mixed up or maybe that was in 1535..?!

  4. Yes posset is sometimes referred to for baby sick. I don't know which came first though!
    I love lemon puds, this looks lovely and although passion-spawn is a bit off-putting you are right, it smells and tastes divine :) Jen xx


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)