.. as we left our December Just Scrapbooking session Linda got us to take away some papers and set us the task of being her chief designers! 'Use the papers in any way you like, so I can post on my site as examples' she said..
Some of the papers were Christmas and I took two types, buying some extras so I could set to work on the accordian book I had begging to be embellished, since I made the Paris book (did I ever photograph that, don't think I did..?)
Luckily in some ways we missed our Jan meeting due to the snow, but I had nothing done by then... and now Linda has tweeted us to remind us that .. 'the clock is ticking!' Col is away this week so quick teas and evenings scrapping could be the order of the day.
Here's where I am so far..book pages and box edges inked, box covered in a fantastic bright Christmas paper..I am toying with doing one set of sides in the red / green bright papers, as per the box, and the other side in the more traditional Christmas, not sure if it will work, have cut out some of the sides and there's some nice potential.
Will get Jordan working up the photos, we relied on Uncle Bill as chief photographer so there should be some nice angles to choose from.
Looking lovely so far. x