Tuesday 15 May 2012

365/136 Portrait of a stranger.

Again, several pondering thoughts about who I might photograph for this, but as is the usual thing for me in the week I know everyone I see during my day.. the nearest I get to a stranger is a delivery guy who brings things to our office, but it was quiet today and I'm not even sure anyone came in.  I was in town earlier,looking out things for our little family shindig on Saturday, but at that point I didn't know the day's prompt.

.. did you see what I did there.. wandered off a whole paragraph of excuses..

..here's my stranger.. well he would be if I was in the same room, as I never knew him, but he is Joe Warren, my Mum's dad, husband to the lady in the picture on Sunday.
..our favourite snapper of strangers is Col's Uncle Bill who when he is over always has his camera at hand, he has a great telephoto lens and when he's showing us the images he has taken there is usually someone eating an ice cream on the beach, or talking outside a shop and we ask who it is.. he says he doesn't know, he was on the opposite side of the harbour .. he should be in the papparazzi!!

..a few years ago, over the weekend of the Golden Wedding we went on a fishing trip and as we walked back around the harbour I stopped to speak to someone I knew.

 Uncle Bill took his picture, maybe two pictures.. the guy laughed and said why would anyone want a picture of me.  But on reflection there was so much to  see from Uncle Bill's point of view... this was an elderly man, a resident of the town, in fact a man who had lived all his life within 50 yards of Pemzance harbour. He was wearing a woollen hat and his tanned skin was so 'Cornish' to someone from the outside.

(I'll let you into a secret, the man used to be my father-in-law)


  1. That is a great photo of the man who used to be your fil- his face is full of character.

  2. Secrets, how intriguing.....

    They are all great shots. I love the one of the local....what stuff he must know about the place and the rhythms and changes.
    It sings to me a bit as you know i'm remembering my dad this week and when we came to Cornwall on holiday as children, we would be there 10 minutes, Mum would be unpacking and being sensible, Rich and I would be in the harbour making friends and Dad would be chatting to the fishermen. He would be good friends with them by the end of the week, I know one year he was offered the use of someone's launch and so he took us up the Fal one evening. I have some great photos of that evening, must scrap them.

  3. What a beautiful story! It's true there is this special look in fishermen that can't be found in any other man. xx

  4. lovely story and a great photo of your exFIL.


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)