Of course a lot was kept, some in a box for other people (yes Linda a box of pre-loved girlie clothes here for yours, not to mention a few good books)
Some things were thrown away and others restored.. but I thought it would be fun to photograph and blog about a couple of things I found (and yes, repacked...how sad am I!)
These are three little clay items I found, a little animal Zac made at playschool, a plaster cast of Kate's hand one Christmas and a slightly one and half legged looking owl Jordan made at school.
And this rather beaten up board book was the one I read to Ross about an hour before I had Lisa, we used to read it every night. She was born at home and he went off to bed so great, then woke about an hour after she was born, it was perfect. My mum was there, just us two and a fab midwife called Margaret Adams who I had worked with at the doctors beforehand.
Oh, just one more.. a little bronze statue of the Mermaid of Copenhagen my brother brought home from a youth club cruise to 'Norway, Denmark & Sweden' in about 1968. I used to rattle off those country names like I'd learnt them by heart, I guess I had NO idea where they were when I was about 7 or 8, but I was really impressed that Ken had been there.. and, (I think) on the Canberra no less!
There must be sooo many of these around the world, they're probably the equivalent to a London Red Bus or something!
(Oh, and can you just ignore that she is stuck to the stone with some blue tac!)
So glad someone else keeps all these bits and bobs.XX