Saturday, 9 April 2011

Pleased and prompt..

... at the moment but my laziness since getting home could mean that in an hour I will be 'running late'!  Unpacking some food, eating crisps, drinking tea, uploading pics and blogging is NOT why I came home early...but I think it's what they call 'relaxing'

I had a lovely morning catching up with the Scarpbook Massive at Newlyn. We mostly all did clocks and bunting layouts and I was more than pleased with mine. True to form I took way too many photos but ended up using only one, but the papers, words and layout fell together really comfortably. 

I used my most relaxed image of our time in Kuredu and used up several random pieces of 'scrap' like buttons, a piece of printed / inked paper from Tregenna w/e and a famous piece of well travelled sticky pink felt as well.  And on reflection, the inked paper balanced the suntanned feel of the picture really nicely... if I say it myself!

Jordan has given me her old digi camera and I can get the pics easily onto our new computer, so we could be in business... the only thing is, the camera is very 'light', kind of feels like it needs some balast!

Ahh well, best be off to make it look like I did something in the last hour, give the digger guys a cup of tea, and see if my slate is still laid or in slate heaven! ....x

1 comment:

  1. Great LO and so quick at posting it - I'm impressed. Have fun tonight. x


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)