Sunday, 17 April 2011


... can you answer me a question? What function in the circle of life do ivy and brambles have?  Okay, so I know the brambles give us blackberries sometimes and ivies provide the strangulation / support for trees everywhere, but in my garden they are everywhere, choking everything! 

Well if I am honest this is my first proper gardening episode for about two years and never did care for it much. I'm a kind of hanging basket gardener, you know, clean compost, boxes of bought plants and ta-da, it's done! Look what I did!  But our garden is a kind of mow me / strim me / hedge cut me kind of old Cornish garden...but I'm trying.  The men in these parts have been on remodelling mode and a digger and dumper truck have been involved, along with new walls and plans for a much larger eating / sitting out area... ahah, now you know whay I'm trying to look and act willing!

Seriously, it was nice to get out, though if I'm to do more I need new Secateurs (pref yellow ones just like mum had when I was a kid, so heavy I could hardly hold them!) and maybe I should acquaint myself with some of those electrical toys the boys seem to love so much..

Anyway, Lilly came by in the week and loved her mini-adventure on the digger with Uncle Zac..


  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished result. x

  2. mmm, I shall have to have an 'opening'..just in time for September like last year I reckon!

  3. Sounds good. Promise not to get lost this time!! xx


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)