Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Still tidy!

Almost afraid to go in!

Well here's the 'after' photo, and see how the curtains are open! Even hoovered the carpet today because I can see it again!! Thanks Ross, looks like I might be able to pimp him out to all my pals with untidiness in their lives!

I remember visiting an Old People's home when my Mum needed a place for respite, took Ross with me to a place where the huge office was like an absolute pit! As we left he said,  'Did you see that room, I almost offered to stay behind and tidy it for her!'
There's got to be a million made for him there somewhere? mmmmmmm...
(off to watch my guilty secret.. 'Big Fat Gypsy Wedding')


  1. hey what a great job. I have just had a sort out of mine and can't wait to start making it messy again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You two are putting me to shame :( xxx

  3. Not so sure in truth, haven't ventured in there yet...x


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)