Here goes..
We had a terrific week at Longleat Centre Parcs.. it is the longest journey I have driven in a lot of years (how sad is that), but with the aid of good old TomTom (as in Go, not the famous son-in-law!) we got there safely in good time. We arrived to a busy car park and loads of people doing just as we did, holidaying with at least 3 generations together, all getting something nice out of it. (In my case I had 4 of the 5 kids, one son-in-law and a son's girlfriend.. and of course baby Lilly.)
The house was fantastic, 4 en-suite rooms, sauna, steam room, hot tub.. no wonder we spent more than half our time there.. the surroundings were great, lots of deer, squirrels and birds, and the scenery was great, a huge lake, trees as far as you could many opportunites for cycling / wandering etc.
I think everyone came home sporting a proud bruise, ache or pain.....from the cycling, the once a year badminton match, (can you call it a match? I think not..) or most likely the rapids and demon drops in the pool. Lilly loved it all and I read a book and a half in 3 days, which more or less a marker of how relaxing it was.
I did miss Col though, so much... it's so different for me to be the one away, and to have taken all the tribe as well, it must have been quite strange for him too. He said he didn't even open some of the cupboards where I had left enough food for a seige....and I can vouch for that, the sweets were still there on our return.
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I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)