It has been rather a celebratory week with Ross having his 23rd, Lisa being '21 Today!' and Lilly being one next week. So far we have barbecued for Ross, all the kids together here, laughing and eating, playing rounders and cards... then today we have lunched for Lisa. Next week we will no doubt have cake for Lilly-bug and on Saturday evening someone else is in charge of catering as we go out for the family meal..all eleven of us!
My brother is 60 on 20th, a milestone in itself and I have loved finding photos of his childhood for his daughter who is making a huge collage for him. it was good to be able to show her pics I have found in my Auntie Edna's albums showing him as a boy, pictures most of us hadn't seen before.
He's having a shindig at his place in France in a couple of weeks but I'll try to catch up with him soon, alittle quieter affair I think..and I know I'll not be able to resist a small album of his 'first 20 years' as this is the one easiest for me to document, as after that wives, 8 children and an entourage of grandchildren would be a job too many!
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I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)