I thought about going to get a Costa but that idea went out the window, not a bean of cash in the car or my purse (kids dinner money to blame there!) I also took my book, a long laboured over piece of work, it only serves to make me sleepy.. unlike the author's first offering which I downed in a single Sunday sitting!
It's an odd sensation stopping.. well, when it's because you're waiting to collect someone, you don't really get off the world, more a putting out your foot to slow the rotation of the merry-go-round for a minute or two.
So, I collected Kate from 'tap & cheer' and we wended our way home, via MacDonalds for a fishy meal and chips for me...our Thursday treat. Unpacked the shopping, swapped a few stories with Pops and spoke to Col.
Now I'm sitting here laughing at how I actually have nothing to do.. well, what I really mean is no-one is here asking me to do anything and I'm not sure what to do with myself. It's a rare occasion to be sure and it won't last. (three phone calls and a snack later I am completing this way out of synch, and proved right!!)
Mind you, it also made me realise that maybe, just maybe if Col and I had a holiday then the kids might not really notice so long as there is food in the fridge, and www. on the end of the PC lead!
.. watch this space, I'm getting there.. and how it takes me 4 weeks of pondering to book it, beggars belief!