.. no Karen, not my cat persecuting the lesser animals in the garden again (Karen rescued a very small rodent from our fierce Joey last weekend.. not sure for how long though..)
I'm doing three jobs in one tonight... taking Col for a slap-up Domino's for his birthday treat (!.. married too long or what?!), collect some metal parts for STS and then collect a gaggle of teenage girlies from a club in Truro.....well, it's that or a quiet evening in front the TV! (haha, the new TV at that though... mmm, tough call.. but plans are in place!)
Fabulous weather here, everyone seems really busy too, which is good after the dreariness of the late Spring. Hope it stays while I whisk him away for couple days on south coast... as museums of military hardware are always much more fun in the sun aren't they! (and here I am worrying about not having got him a 'proper present'..quality museum time is worth my weight isn't it?)
Nice to hear from Uncle Bill today, an e-greeting for Col's birthday.. and if he's reading this, special hugs and wishes for you too U Bill, for next Saturday.. love you guys!
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I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)