.. in the chat on the blogs I follow. But I'm just as bad. There seems to be lots going on but the dreaded bloggers-block has set in for a week or two. I've not been any better on the scrapbooking front either, must get myself organised as there will be black holes appearing in my general existence as depicted by blog and camera this autumn!
Last scrapbooking session was a social event and I finished off an old layout, just didn't come home with the same feeling of achievement as I do when Linda teaches us a new technique! I have a joke with her.. I don't like the new method, then I try it, then I like it, and I leave saying... 'this is good, think I'd like to do it again!'... and I joke that I say the same to Col in the dark!
Col & I are heading off for my birthday holiday next week, it's doubling up as our long overdue honeymoon (19 yrs later!)... well it's the first proper holiday we've had on our own, where we've booked it and flown away long enough to enjoy the stay before we have to consider coming home.(Oriental Sweetlips, my favourite underwater buddy awaits>>>>)
Kate is trying to put us on a guilt trip about leaving them behind, but to be honest they are great kids and do understand that it will be nice for us to do our own thing after all these years. Col is used to leaving home without us but for me it is slightly odd, but I know I'll be fine once I get to the next village!.. airport!
We went to Plymouth last weekend too, to see Jason Manford, such a good comedian. We stayed over and headed home via Truro, a little retail therapy there, and got home just in time to order Indian for supper..the house was in one piece and despite sending a text to Jordan's silent phone, they didn't expect us and there was no quick shuffling of wine bottles into the bin or stain removal from the carpet.. which bodes well for our trip away!
There has also been much talk in these parts about getting a pony.. perhaps.. maybe..something of a hobby for Kate, but I think we'll all reluctantly admit to enjoying it if and when we get one. We're trying to do the sensible thing and debate / consider all the options, but watch this space... I've also managed to get her a slot to do some gym again on saturdays, she seems keen especially as she knows how to do all those contortionist type things now she's been the acro for 3 or 4 years!
Oh, and Zac's put the brakes on applying to University for a while, he feels like he's on the education treadmill and wants to really consider the options rather than doing the next expected thing... Half term and he's working for us getting to grips with stock taking and if he can do this at his own instigation I'm sure there's a great business mind in there waiting to bloom!