Sunday, 18 January 2015

The Big Move!

As I have been adrift with news since the middle of last year I thought when the chance comes up, I would catch up the bloggy news I missed.. one story at a time!  Today's turn is work!

Life at STS has been a little bit crazy the past few months. We took on some very complex jobs and as is usual for manufacturing new units the development is undertaken as part of the manufacture.. headaches, teething troubles, they are like humans really!  
Add to this the usual issues you have when you need 20 people to all be well and here every day but things happen to make that not happen..and you would find us finishing last year quite pressurised!

But bright and breezy with the new impetus a brand new facility brings and we the kids would say..'well excited'!  It was only today that I realised just how fantastic it will be when the guys have all that space to work in. The welders are moving in early February and the assembly about a month later. The poor builders will be chased out as soon as the mezzanine wit the canteen and changing rooms are done,and they start work making us a new office for the Autumn.. I can't wait!

Not sure if you can work this out.. but this is the inside of our assembly workshop today, it's about 20 x 40 feet

..and this is where they will move soon..about 50 x 80 feet

 This brake press folding machine arrived last week and the plasma cutter tomorrow. They will make lots of processes so much faster and we should soon be able to have stock of items and less waiting lists.. which for me in sales is my dream!

Our old TomCat Joey, 16 this year is always around somewhere, hiding under the table in the office or enjoying titbits from the workshop guys when they snack!
Close up of the brake press.. tool porn for the boys.


  1. It's great to see and Herat all the building progressions and will be great when you move in x

  2. Looking amazing, they won't know they have been born lol x

  3. Looks exciting. I hope you are well had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm sorry I fell off of the blogging for Lucky 7's. Let me know if you do a new site and I promise I will do better. Good luck with your new facilities. It really does look grand!

    1. Hi Joy, not to worry, I think we all found the year quite a long shot for every week.. some of us had been doing a picture a day or week for about 3 years! It's good to see you on facebook anyway and hope you still blog a bit, it's nice for your family to look back on.. x


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)