Sunday 6 April 2014

Of Mothers & Mothering..

I have written a lot about this... about my Mum and my eldest daughter and how life came full circle when my first grand daughter was born only ten weeks before my Mum died. 

It was a crazy time for me, we were very busy, had a good deal of family stress going on with Colin having back surgery and his folks coming up to their Golden Wedding... it was hard to stand still for long and always something to plan or organise..but also people to care for and that could not be rushed.

I came to scrapbooking in that year, 2008, when Mum  had gone into a residential care home and I was keen to utilise some of the space I gained for myself and not just let life in general suck up the moments I would have been caring for her.  I think maybe the moment was then, for those few years when I felt the change in my family position most strongly, becoming the grown-up, making the decisions and having to be the one who 'knew', that I really appreciated the reflective moments making layouts of the photos which caught moments in what I felt was a lovely life.

When Lilly was small Lisa came over one evening and Kate and her pals, aged about 11 asked Lisa how she knew what to do with a baby, was there a book or something?
Lisa told them there was no book.. 'but I can always ask my Mum', and I really liked that.. whatever differences you have between you now and then, you know that you want to try and be how your Mum was..

and I can feel myself being just like my Mum sometimes.. and not always in a good way... 

..when I fuss about the kids doing up their coat or tucking in their shirt!

..when I make them cringe by telling them I love them..

.. when I try to smooth things over when they give each other a sharp retort

.. and when I get a book out to answer a question long long after they got a 3 word answer from Mr Google!

Love you Mum.. and I see you every time that cloud breaks and shows me a silver lining..xx


  1. A beautiful post- you always sound like you have such a wonderful family and so pleased that you feel that silver lining surrounding you. Your mum looks so lovely and I think we all pick up a lot of their traits!

  2. Kathijo. I know just what you mean about catching yourself sounding like your mum. I am doing it all the time.

  3. What a wonderful post!
    Thank you!


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)