Sunday, 15 February 2009

Take 3 Girls.. and doodle them!

I just loved these pictures of Kate and her bestest mates Georgia and Rosa, taken by Colin when he had them all in overalls and hardhats helping him in the workshop one day when I was Scrapbooking!

When Linda said we were gong to be doodling I wasn't very keen, I kind of like to scrap and cut / stick, rather than have to be personally creative with a pen! But sitting by the fire that evening to finish it off, it was really fun, adding aliases for the girls..Digi, Roja and Kate-lin, and generally filling in the blanks.

Not sure what it was about but I remember there was a series called 'Take 3 Girls' from way back when, and I thought it was a good title...

(note to self, remember to get embossing gun, they make even the oddest items fit the bill!)

Inchies and what?!

We had scrapbooking with Linda at Just Scrapbooking last week.. and I forgot my photos, so had to prep a while until Kate arrived for her dance class and delivered the photos I had planned to scrap... but good fortune allowed me to find the attached pic of Santa (Will) in my box of papers and I proceeded to decorate the page with inchies and twinchies while I waited...
....the paper was perfect, embossed with everything Christmassy from trees to gingerbread, and the background was already split into cubed spaces... it was meant to be!

(and this is my last on Christmas, I promise.. for this year at least!)

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Sooo funny Zac!

Zac just said that I am so quick at blogging that it's on here before it happens... well if you sleep in as a teenager then that's what you get I guess!

The Pancake Queen!

Kate may have just achieved cult status in the house as our new Pancake Queen!

The mix was barely out of the box from the States and she was busy making pancakes for everyone.. all on her own! And sad old me.. a couple of pics to boot!

Just like Peter Kay!

As if we have waited for the precise moment to accentuate the difference between a week of snow (and now miserable grey days of rain) and a fortnight on a desert island, a stone's throw from the Equator, Col and I are on the verge of booking our trip...some nice jobs have landed with us and at long last, after 2 years or more of waiting, the' time is right' to flit off, so we are .... phoning up, booking it, and ****ing off ' (fans of Peter Kay are smiling now and everyone else thinks I have resorted to my base level!) ...with the 3 youngest in tow, for 2 weeks of much required R&R, much needed for the past 15 months to be precise!
The kids are sooo excited, and I am too, after 10 hours of getting used to the idea (somehow I need to allow myself the time to accept that we should go, that everyone we leave behind WILL be okay and that I also deserve it??.. what is THAT all about) So tomorrow we will get it booked, and in 14 days we'll be wending our way east, passing Ross almost en route back home from Bali...(sorry hon, but what a homecoming we can have, catching up in March after two epic trips!... big eats, and lots of chatter)

P.S. Had a wonderful parcel from Michele in the States today, a sweet card, and some beautiful Stateside scrapping essentials..oh, and a pack of the best Pancake Mix I am sooo lucky to have such thoughtful friends, just a pity we are on opposite sides of the pond....
.....but as Mum always said 'We're as close as the phone'..(and in this Century the internet no less!)

Tuesday, 3 February 2009


I just love my phone! It's always there when I need to take a pic!

Here's one of Zac, my oh so grown up teenager, who enjoyed a proper boy's day today, but as usual he employed some gadget or other to maximise the impact... using a water bomb launcher to throw snowballs!

Luckily Jordan was only on the receiving end of a hand thrown one....

Let it snow!!

Well it's morning and yesterday's snowfall is still here! The kids are having such fun.... it's almost 20 years since it was like this here, so many kids in Cornwall have never seen the like! (Zac says this'll take care of his cold holiday... so look out Maldives, you're on our list!) Jordan is on scrapbooking photo duty for me and Kate is counting the layers she's wearing!

Colin is sooo busy he just couldn't take the day off .. but dear heart, he got up early and spent 2 hours before work making the kids a fantastic sledge.. just like you see on telly!

More pics to follow.. and love and safe days to Ross in Bali.. with his 30 degrees!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Krupka weather alert!

Happy Sunday Morning! know our poor Cornish-bred children are so deprived of a snow experience, nearly every child I have met in the last couple of days tells me 'It's going to snow on...'

Then I found this great pic of Will, Jordan and myself (being stupid as usual) at the Minack over Christmas.. it was sooo chilly, poor Will was pemanently attached to his earmuffs!.. but at least his skating prowess was recognised as someone asked him if he was a New-Yorker! in honour of him and Michele and the wonderful crisp, easterly wind they brought for the whole of their trip, I am now renaming a cold snap as official 'Krupka Weather!'