Sunday, 8 July 2012

365/190 Broken.

.. mostly in our house if it's broken Col will fix it.. so that's good.. not necessarily straight away mind!  

We (well probably I) planned to take the girls on a short train journey today but the weather was half decent and I thought we'd just mess around in the garden.. but in order to do that in some kind of relaxed way poor Col had to make some kind of barrier to 'coralle' the toddler into the decked area... well it was a temporary fix but I actually liked it, so it may stay, or be improved on at some point.. after the list of other jobs is complete.. is it ever?

We have 'broken' the back of the four days with the girls, I think it's gone pretty well, some grumpy moments on my part and some stern looks which have instilled fat bottom lips, but Lilly still says she loves me even though I sometimes shout...and there have been lots more laughs than cries..and I am not allowed to be too soft or I in turn will be told off by Mum when they return home ruined!!

We had some nice sandy play today and Lilly made a harbour for the boats and put some snails in it with some grass (this is a fantasy harbour you know) .. and then the snails came out to play .. my blog will look almost like Anne's at this rate, a veritable nature fest!

Oh and hats off to JB who babysat early on and made Ross a fab fresh fruit sponge for his birthday and then did her first long drive .. to the Eden project to see a concert tonight..xx


  1. As much as I dislike slugs, I love snails, they looks so pretty. Your granddaughter is sooo cute !

  2. Hope you have that bottle in the fridge chilled and ready for this evening!! xx

  3. i love the sand harbour, it looks great

  4. I hate slugs, they make me shudder and Xanthe is always finding them or snails YUCK!!

    You will be exhausted by the time M&D come back!! I know what you mean about stern looks and fat bottom lips!!

    Good 'old' Col, can I borrow him!!!

  5. Lovely photos!

    I prefer snails to slugs- but don't really like either!

  6. I like Snail Harbour seems a crazy kind of place to spend some time :)

    Well done for the 4 days :) Toddlers are full on.

  7. Thanks for your comment & to answer your queries... I guess it's because my 365+1 posts are on a tabbed page to my main blog that it only has the comment box at the bottom! It only gives an edit the post & not add a totally new post!! So I'm always especially pleased when someone takes the trouble to scroll down to leave a comment!! As for my photo's...I try to take them daily, or if I have no inspiration I check my hard-drive! (I'm always snapping random things!) I try to put my collage together on a Suturday....BUT my recent lapse meant a huge picture taking marathon last week & luckily my holiday shots included some that fitted the words for the week I was away!!
    Loved reading about your adventures in the garden with the girls...great wild life photo's!! :D

  8. Lovely photos!
    Your granddaughter is so cute!
    Great adventures in the garden with the girls!
    Good luck!


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)