Sunday, 17 June 2012

365/169 Same Moomin, different adventure!

" So there I was, being just a little inquisitive as to what this coffee thing is that gets a mention a lot in this house.. I was only looking... 'You'll fall in if you're not careful' she said. I didn't actually, but she is a witch in diguise and wondered out loud if I did fall in would I float, so she tested it.... and did I float?... no, I sank?!!  

Still, the old softie in her kicked in and she fished me out with a spoon, like a wet rich tea biscuit!  And then she took my picture.. funny girl.. but cuddled me up and dried me off in a (tea) towel.. thanks Kathi!! "


  1. LOL for 10 minutes.
    A witch in disguise LOL
    Although I must say when I saw him in ... I initially did wonder if you pushed him in, LOL, xxx

  2. Hmm I am beginning to wonder about you Kathi, trying to drown poor moomin like that. I use to have all the books and watched the programme. Then forced my two to watch it when it came around again when they were little. Love them. x

  3. Hilarious!! Loving the adventures - can't wait for the next instalment. I'm still giggling. x

  4. LOL, was he pushed or did he fall :) least he got a dry and cuddle after the ermm, experiment :)

  5. Moomin I think you should demand swimming lessons after today and insist on a rubber ring.

  6. Moomin, did you like the taste of the coffee when you went in.

  7. Moomin- love the mug you took a dip in. I suppose you weren't so keen!!!!

  8. Kathi, you're great!
    This Moomin appears to be very naughty.
    I love the title. I like pictures. Most like the Moomin's history!

  9. Kathi I thought Moomin was having swimming lessons until I read your blog!! Great antics in your house yesterday!!

  10. So Moomin, if it had been alcoholic would you have learned to swim? *gigglesnorting* here for a while! He actually does look a little wet and bothered! xxx


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)