Thursday, 7 June 2012

365/159 Roadside.

Tenuous link here, but the risk was that I would have a small river as my option for roadside outside our place, it has rained so much here today.. thick mizzle I call it, not mist, not drizzle, miserable thick almost rain! And wind.. bah! But at least it keeps us moany Brits happy with something to 'buse about!!
I have realised lately that I don't blog (or scrap) much about my teenage years and those six full and eight part-time years I lived in Mousehole. I think it is partly cos I was probably a moody teenager a lot of the time and also it was a period when I didn't take quite so many pictures..but I do have some and I should put it right..
Mum married Phil when I was just 13 and we moved to live with him in the double gabled house right by the beach in the picture. It was a big flat and the blue doors under were the 'Shark Office ' where Phil & his brother sold their shark fishing trips in summer. Phil had lived there with his first wife Sally who had died a couple of years before (they and my parents all knew each other, they were favourites of mine who bought me big Easter Eggs and a Diana annual every Christmas.. see, typical material child.. some things are a constant!)
..on reflection it suited me quite well, there were four buses an hour to Penzance and it dragged me well into the world as a teen, rather than being in the outback of the fishing cove and kind of stranded from the kind of thing teens usually want to do.

.. sooo, I digress.. the roadside in this case was 'the Wharf' it was a walkway right along the harbourside .. and a secret here.. the sand was actually brought in every few years as it would gradually be dragged out of the harbour over the years..

.. but this picture is another of Uncle Bills.. Cols brother and his lad in our 'roadside' lane just outside our yard..


  1. I loved reading your post tonight, I even stopped 'Lewis' that I was watching and adore to read it!!

    Great photo of Mousehole (the best name surely in all the world?) and your take on being young there.

    I'm glad you think fondly of it and came back that way, how far away did you move before you came back?

    I love the wharf-side being the roadside.
    Thank you for your comments on my post, you have asked for it now and so tomorrow I am hoping to bring you a picture of how far away from the sea I am :)

  2. Congratulations on writing and wonderful pictures! I wish you success!

  3. Loved reading your post.

    It made me smile that you have a name for the 'rain' too. My grandad- who once he left the midlands always lived by the sea calls it Seamist. In fact it never rains in Southend- they only ever have seamist- in various degrees including torrential!

  4. We visited Mousehole during our honeymoon and we bought a married mice couple that is still in the living room. we adored the place. Sooo pretty !


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)