Friday, 25 April 2014

Phew! Easter news.. Spring views

I can't believe it's two weeks since I last wrote and then fleetingly. Hopefully it is a sign that I have lots of nice things going on here.. I will leave you to judge! At least I am not hanging around bemoaning the lack of news..though I did find an hour to start a new book and sat by my back door in the sun out of the wind..

Last weekend was Easter and we started out thinking we had 4 work free days and no plans.. but then I remembered!

Jordan was doing a Food Fayre in Penzance with her close baker friend and April and I helped them by manning the stall on Sunday.... there was a high amount of baking behaviour going on around our place on the Friday, not least of all when Jordan's oven decided to die spectacularly half way through Friday..

...cue a visit to buy more ovens.. Colin went off the conventional route and me and Jordan unexpectedly came across a guy who had one to sell when I went along to Pendeen to see a new market opening for her..this is the deli oven she will get delivered tomorrow.. it's fab.. old but fab.. 

I have taken a few pictures for Spring Views but need to collate them.. 
Spring Sky at the Mount 

Spring food favourites..


  1. Mum and dad to the rescue.
    Jordans cake look delicious
    Your Spring sky is beautiful.

  2. Wonderful photos - I really like these!
    / This is my favorite post - thank you for nice mood!/


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)