Friday, 28 February 2014

Shapes: Grids.

What horrible weather woke us at 4 am this morning until after 10 am. Rain and wind right in my kitchen entrance. . The first in that westerly direction as a lot of it has been from the north.

I had to take Kate to the bus but we leave later now as we have started going to Camborne which is closer so less time for her to travel and luckily her call centre job doesn't start til 10 .. buses have been more reliable than trains since the stormy weather means it is all local trains.

Then Lisa had her car tested so she came by and worked on the website with Col. He has so much to do we are going to do all his quotes tomorrow ..good that everyone is pulling out the stops as we are so busy.

Then a trip to drop Lisa home and after Lilly and collect Kate ..then Lisa back for her car! So my day has been pretty fragmented and along some waterlogged muddy roads..All the while thinking about Grid are two I saw...One a chain link fence at a local school and the other a gate grid shape looking onto a winter field.


  1. Good finds to take a photo and busy times for you all xx Take care xx

  2. You are certainly busy at the moment but I expect it keeps you out of mischief.


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)