Saturday, 18 January 2014

Inside : a vehicle.

Well I have had Lilly and Lyla today and we christened it 'Pirate Day'..We have a box of pirate fancy dress stuff and even I got in the mood.

Ross found some great Pirate songs on Spotify and how that makes the atmosphere.  Kate's pole was dressed with two new fitted sheets I bought from Lidls to make a galleon! ( slightly too silky and not brushed cotton enough so maybe not a best buy!)

I have buns to make with pirate toppers in the morning and I have had a sneak preview of the bunk beds at their house so I am sure Pirate weekend will be very memorable for them!!

So..inside a vehicle. .I made a big mistake as I forgot to ask Ross and Colin to take a picture when they test drove another Mazda. .so here's the pic from the brochure...


  1. we looked at a mazda too, but ended up with a hyundai which i love. love the pirate pictures, harry loves cbeebies swashbuckle which is a pirate game show, everything in our house 'walks the plank' or in harry language, bop bop gap, lol

  2. I had 2 Mazda 303's before I met peter and loved them but from then on we have had Peugeots!
    Are you relaxing today? col looks as though he needs a chilling day before mon!!
    When does Zac return?
    Looking forward to next week's challenges tomorrow. Think this year's are going well thank you xxx
    Think we may make Sept month for Cornwall as early April is too early and we have to be back for Easter and home May, June. WE are in France for July and stay home in Aug!!!

  3. look as if you all had a whale of a time

  4. Oh, the pirate fest looks like it was so much fun! I would have liked that as well. You all make dashing pirates!

  5. What fabulous Pirates you all make! (you especially, disturbingly) those girls are lucky to have such a go-to Granny!!


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)