Monday, 26 November 2012

365/331 Lonely

What weather! It has rained and blown a gale all day, it has hardly come to full daylight and as I drove this afternoon I felt like I was towing a large grey cloud above me!  I was happy to go out though, to collect Lilly and save her mum from going out in this weather.. the driving is horrible, huge puddles everywhere.

Oh but what a joy to spend half an hour with Lilly, and her priceless comments! 

We drove past Kate's school and a conversation ensued about whether Kate was a grown-up girl or a grown-up per se.  I thought we would find no common ground until Lilly asked this simple defining question...'is she allowed to use big scissors?' 'Yes' .. 'so she is a grown-up'
And then, just to clarify she asked me if Kate is allowed to do jobs 'up ladders'  I replied that she probably was but most jobs up a ladder were boys jobs.  Lilly did not agree as she felt girls should also be allowed up ladders, but we had proof then that Kate is grown-up (well by Lilly's definition anyway!)

We picked up some chocolate bars and against my suggestion that perhaps she save one half of the Milky Way for mummy, Lilly decided to eat them both.  A less excited expression later she said....'mmm I think maybe I ate too much of that, when I get in I shall have something healthy instead..'   Not sure if I won or lost that one as she did eat both.. mmm x

All is going well with the baby, I made a slip today and referred to it as 'she', really not sure where that came from, it is quite exciting not knowing what little person is going to come say hi mid January.. I can't wait.. well I can, let's get Christmas out the way first!   With grandchildren life is anything but lonely!

.. writing from the office and found this little one of Lilly at 16 hours old.. awhhhh xxxx


  1. aww gorgeous picture of lilly and love the conversations you had today :)

  2. Kids comments are really priceless. I would love having a conversation with Lilly, she seems such a bright and clever little girl. You must have so much fun with her. xxx

  3. What a beautiful photo and I love Lillys reasoning. Very logical.

  4. Clever, obsevervant Lilly, I think grown-up should be defined by whether you can go up a ladder!

    She is the most gorgeous newborn too :) xxx


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)