Monday, 17 September 2012

365/261 Ground level.

Well Col is away for three days tomorrow so we've been trying to catch up on e-mails and quotes today, but Ben is back from honeymoon and it was a kind of new term feeling, quite autumnal outside too.  Everyone is getting on with stuff, Ross enjoying his new job, it is so good to see him come home happy and confident, really does remind you how bad it is to be placed in a job which doesn't work for you.

We're all a bit sad that Zac has to go off to college next weekend, he is taking lots of stuff with him as it is a long let-in an annexe of a house so he has plenty of space for TV, paintball kit and almost everything you need for nine months living.  He has been clearing out old stuff, boxes from all his technology which he stored when he bought the stuff, school books too. I guess his theory is if he isn't taking it to use in nine months then he doesn't really need it much.. ahhh but he will still keep the archery kit under his bed, from that phase, you know, when archery was his 'thing'!  At least it 'doesn't eat any meat' as mum would say!

Jordan seems to be settled back into college. She is working on some macro photography and this is a shot of something ( a banana boat!) she has made to photograph... and it is taken on my phone and more or less from ground level.... I did mean to take some pics outside but suddenly the day was closing in.


  1. Just love the banana boat ! xxx

  2. Aww, it seems like he just got back.
    I love the banana boat, now what that needs is a dollop of cream :D xxx

  3. Lots of changes again in your house! I too love the banana boat! and thank you for getting me back on the right day LOL!!

  4. This team is awesome!
    The idea - Perfect! This sunny banana!
    We always joke so -
    "I yesterday got off the banana branch.
    Today - I want Bureau!"
    Have a nice day!


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)