Sunday, 6 May 2012

365/127 Bumpy.

.. my predominant thought was of Lincoln biscuits.. as a kid I used to call them 'pimple biscuits' but they sure were BUMPY!!!

This is what Wikipedia has to say, very serious it is too..

The Lincoln is a short dough biscuit, a member of the genus, shortcake biscuits. It has a pattern of dots on the top in concentric circles . The McVitie's version had the word 'Lincoln' embossed on to the biscuit at the centre. Recently it has been very difficult to obtain, but recipe books still champion and enhance the basic recipe.

For many years they were known as Lincoln Creams and no one ever seemed to ever question the fact there was no cream or indeed that they do not hail from Lincoln. Lincoln biscuits are still available in Irish supermarkets and dedicated fans can still order a packet at several sites dedicated to providing hard-to get essentials for British ex-pats!! (my exclamation!

.. and as a return to Jones-land reality..
It's been a proper Sunday here, lazy morning, played teen taxi and had quick mozi (never tried to spell that word before so apologies as I'm sure it's wrong) around Next and M&S,bought a little gift for Col's cousins new twins and came home by lunch. The guys had watched a fairly uneventful MotoGP and then we went with Zac for a Newlyn Ice Cream... we only got round the first corner and the bitter wind sent us back to the car. Zac commented that the weather wasn't really for ice creams and despite what you might think, this was the kind of temperature he had in San Francisco in March!

Now evening time everyone is out and we're watching some nice TV on the Indian Ocean.. ahh, that ocean, just the best sealife and blue seas ever..(next to ours which looks great but is like ice!)


  1. ooh that's a blast from the past. I used to love eating round the 'bumps' on these biscuits when I was little. Going to have to find a packet of these!

  2. i havent heard of those biscuits before, sounds like you had a fun sunday.

  3. Ha ha ha about the Wikepedia entry - boy that really is some serious biscuit info!! I so remember these biscuits - though a tad sickly after the 8 or so I seemed to get through with my after school cup of tea though.... personally I would spell mosey like so, although I would not take the advice of someone who spelled definately like that, and not definitely like this for years, and swore blind it was right.

  4. I hadn't heard about these biscuits. Learning something new everyday !

  5. Remember these as well, not a biscuit fan myself but my brother would eat a packet with a pint of milk as he walked home from school each day!! Strange boy!! xx

  6. Lincoln biscuits, wow, I did like them but Malted Milk was my go to biscuit ;)

    Your day sounds lovely, made up of nice things to do.

    I went to your friends blog and left a comment, thanks for that she has superb stuff, actually I forgot to bookmark so I am going to go back and do that....before I go though....Indian Ocean. That is going to be my retirement trip, roughing it North India to Southern India, then onto Sri Lanka to hang at the beach and then a fortnight of luxury in the Seychelles or Maldives.
    Jen xx


I am hoping that 'Anonymous' has stopped stalking me with his Spam now, but may have to put verification back on if it comes back.. I just can't buy any more over the counter drugs or Louis V handbags girls!! ;-)