... Kate reported that Zac was now on Facebook and his contact was.. imminent!! So the Skype call came through... and it was so noisy!!.. lots of interference, we could just about hear him but in between there was lots of what you can only describe as a cross between radio squelch and Dr Who special effects..I suggested we resort to text messaging on Google or something but I would tell both Zac and Col were reluctant to plump for writing when talking was an option!
So eventually Zac managed to find a nice little corner in Starbicks on San Francisco Pier and called us with Skype (voice only though) on his HTC instead of his laptop.. it was about 9.15pm by then.. and we all got to chat with him, despite a few mis-connections later.. and I even managed to get the ironing done and go fetch JB from work in the time we chatted with him, Ross and April too.. JB got to have a bit of a natter too, but she misses him so much it was kind of too hard as she obviously had so much she wanted to ask / tell / moan about with him..but he'll be back for all of May and they will play X-box and catch up big style!
Skpe can be wonderful when it actually works!! Not long now though. x